A Claim is a plan managed claim directed to NDIA that is associated with a provider invoice. To call the Claim endpoint, use one of the URLs from the following tables:
https://api.mypcorp.com/claim |
✔ |
✔ |
https://api.mypcorp.com/claim/{ClaimGuid} |
✔ |
NB: Currently, Claim endpoint only accepts GET and POST requests. PUT and DELETE requests will be available in the future.
The following table illustrates which fields can be included when receiving a GET response.
NB: Nested properties are hidden by default. To expand all nested properties, add $expand=* to the URL. To expand a specific nested property, set the property name after $expand= (i.e. $expand=LineItems).
Field Name |
Description |
ClaimGuid Guid (Identifier) |
The Claim’s id. |
ClaimNumber string |
Claim number of the Claim. |
ProviderInvoiceReference string |
Reference number of the provider invoice the Claim is linked to. |
ExternalInvoiceNumber string |
Invoice number for a third party accounting package (i.e. Xero, MYOB). |
StartDate Date |
Start date of the Claim. |
EndDate Date |
End date of the Claim. |
DueDate Date |
Payment due date of the Claim. |
PaymentDate DateTime |
Payment date of the Claim. |
Total decimal |
Total amount of the Claim. |
Resubmitted boolean |
Indicates whether the Claim has been resubmitted or not. |
GeniusStatus string |
Status of the Claim on GENIUS. Possible values are: “AwaitingStaffApproval” “SubmittedToLanternPay” “OnHold” “Approved” “NdiaClaimed” “NdiaFullyPaid” “NdiaPartiallyPaid” “LanternPayCancellationRequested” “LanternPayCancelled” “LanternPayRejected” |
SendPaymentTo string |
Entity that gets the payment of the claim. SendPaymentTo feature applies only to LanternPay users. Possible values are: “Provider” “Client” “PlanManager” “SupportCoordinator” “ClientRepresentative” |
MissingAbnReasonCode string |
Reason why Provider’s ABN is missing. If SendPaymentTo is either Provider, PlanManager or SupportCoordinator, this field is EXCLS (ATO Excluded Supply) when Provider’s ABN is missing. If SendPaymentTo is either Client or ClientRepresentative, this field is always REIMB (Participant Reimbursement). |
CreationDate DateTime |
The date the Claim record was created. |
ArchiveDate DateTime |
Date when the Contact was archived, if they have been archived. |
ApprovedDate DateTime |
The date when the Claim has been approved. |
ClientGuid Guid |
Guid of the Client that Contact of the Claim belongs to. To view the client’s details, refer to Client endpoint. |
ContactGuid Guid |
Guid of the Contact of the Claim. To view the contact’s details, refer to Contact endpoint. |
ProviderGuid Guid |
Guid of the service provider of this Claim. To view the provider’s details, refer to Client endpoint. |
StaffGuid Guid |
Guid of the staff who is in charge of the Claim. To view the staff’s details, refer to Staff endpoint. |
ProviderInvoiceGuid Guid |
Guid of the provider invoice linked to the Claim. To view the provider invoice’s details, refer to ProviderInvoice endpoint. |
LineItems object |
Breakdown of the Claim based on a product, called a LineItem object. To view the LineItem’s details, refer to the following LineItems table. |
Field Name |
Description |
LineItemGuid Guid (Identifier) |
The LineItem’s id. |
Notes string |
Notes of the LineItem. |
Quantity decimal |
Quantity of the product of LineItem. |
Price decimal |
Price of the product of LineItem. |
Total decimal |
Total amount of the LineItem. |
AmountPaid decimal |
Amount paid for the LineItem in the past. |
TaxChoice string |
Tax rate selected for the LineItem. Possible values are: “BasExcluded” “GstFreeExports” “GstFreeIncome” “GstOnIncome” null |
ClaimType string |
Claim type that indicates what LineItem claims for. Possible values are: “None” “Cancellation” “NdiaRequiredReport” “ProviderTravel” “NonFaceToFaceServices” “DirectService” “IrregularSilSupports” “Telehealth” null |
CancellationReason string |
Cancel reason of the service/product of the LineItem. Possible values are: “None” “HealthReason” “FamilyIssues” “UnavailabilityOfTransport” “Other” null |
CreationDate DateTime |
The date the LineItem record was created. |
ModifyDate DateTime |
The date the LineItem record was modified. |
ArchiveDate DateTime |
The date the LineItem record was archived. |
PriceBook object |
Price book that the product belongs to. To view the price book details, refer to PriceBook endpoint. |
Product object |
Product/service of the LineItem. To view the product details, refer to PriceBook endpoint. |
Example JSON response:
"@odata.context": "https://api.mypcorp.com/$metadata#Claim(LineItems())",
"value": [
"ClaimGuid": "1a2b3c4d-5e6f-7a8b-9c0d-1e2f3a4b5c6d",
"ClaimNumber": "CORP-10001",
"ProviderInvoiceReference": "INV-20001",
"ExternalInvoiceNumber": null,
"StartDate": "2021-05-05",
"EndDate": "2021-05-06",
"DueDate": "2021-05-31",
"PaymentDate": null,
"Total": 100.00,
"Resubmitted": false,
"GeniusStatus": "AwaitingStaffApproval",
"SendPaymentTo": "Provider",
"MissingAbnReasonCode": "EXCLS",
"CreationDate": "2021-05-07T08:31:45.98+10:00",
"ApprovedDate": null,
"ArchiveDate": null,
"ClientGuid": "63283ed7-1d2f-e911-810e-f36ca09d16f6",
"ContactGuid": "66283ed7-1d2f-e911-810e-f36ca09d16f6",
"StaffGuid": "1497e30c-6122-eb11-a824-000d3acb64f7",
"ProviderGuid": "9ef14280-6442-ea11-811d-b21a1b4963a6",
"ProviderInvoiceGuid": "a59fed52-6f66-eb11-a827-000d3aca5506",
"LineItems": [
"LineItemGuid": "d6c5b4a3-f2e1-d0c9-b8a7-f6e5d4c3b2a1",
"Notes": "Access Community Social And Rec Activities - Weekday Daytime",
"Quantity": 1.00,
"Price": 100.00,
"Total": 100.00,
"AmountPaid": null,
"TaxChoice": "GstFreeIncome",
"ClaimType": null,
"CancellationReason": null,
"CreationDate": "2021-05-07T08:31:45.98+10:00",
"ModifyDate": "2021-05-07T08:31:45.98+10:00",
"ArchiveDate": null,
"PriceBook": {
"PriceBookGuid": "b488c61d-38b1-4b8e-a28c-838e3e9fcd7f",
"Name": "General NDIS Price Book"
"Product": {
"ProductGuid": "f3cb6aec-63d8-4fb1-941b-4354116b6b7c",
"Code": "04_104_0125_6_1",
"Name": "Access Community Social And Rec Activities - Weekday Daytime-QLD",
"LongDescription": "Access Community Social And Rec Activities - Weekday Daytime"
Parameter Name |
Description |
Required |
Default Value |
ignoreWarnings boolean |
If set to true, warning messages in the response are ignored and the request is posted. Otherwise, the request will return warning messages with the response of 400 (Bad Request). |
Optional |
false |
Request Body
The following table illustrates which fields can be included when sending a POST request. A number next to the data type (e.g. string (500)), is the maximum number of characters for this field. All required fields must be included in the request body to get a successful response. Dates must be set in the standard SQL datetime format, which is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.nnn].
Field Name |
Description |
Required |
ClaimNumber string (47) |
Claim number of the Claim. This field must be unique. Automatically assigns ClaimNumber from ARM settings if not provided. |
Optional |
ProviderInvoiceReference string (100) |
Reference number of the provider invoice the Claim is linked to. Required for POST requests when the provider invoice specified by ProviderInvoiceGuid does not have a value in ProviderInvoiceReference. This field must be unique. |
Required (conditional) |
StartDate Date |
Start date of the Claim. |
Required |
EndDate Date |
End date of the Claim. |
Required |
DueDate Date |
Payment due date of the Claim. |
Optional |
SendPaymentTo string |
Entity that gets the payment of the claim. Automatically assigns “Provider” if not provided. SendPaymentTo feature applies only to LanternPay users. Possible values are: 0 or “Provider” 1 or “Client” 2 or “PlanManager” 3 or “SupportCoordinator” 4 or “ClientRepresentative” |
Optional |
ContactGuid Guid |
Guid of the Contact of the Claim. Required for POST requests when the provider invoice specified by ProviderInvoiceGuid does not have a value in ContactGuid. To view the contact’s details, refer to Contact endpoint. |
Required (conditional) |
ProviderGuid Guid |
Guid of the business for this Claim. Required for POST requests when the provider invoice specified by ProviderInvoiceGuid does not have a value in ProviderGuid. To view the provider’s details, refer to Client endpoint. |
Required (conditional) |
StaffGuid Guid |
Guid of the staff who is in charge of the Claim. View/Administer GENIUS invoice permissions required. To view the staff’s details, refer to Staff endpoint. |
Required |
ProviderInvoiceGuid Guid |
Guid of the provider invoice linked to the Claim. This field must be either unique or a guid of reusable ProviderInvoice. To view the provider invoice’s details, refer to ProviderInvoice endpoint. |
Required |
LineItems object |
Breakdown of the Claim based on a product, called a LineItem object. Required at least one item in the list for POST requests. To view the LineItem’s details, refer to the following LineItems table. |
Required |
Field Name |
Description |
Required |
Quantity decimal |
Quantity of the product of LineItem. |
Required |
Price decimal |
Price of the product of LineItem. Required for POST requests when the product price is not specified in the price book. |
Required (conditional) |
Notes string |
Notes of the LineItem. Automatically assigns LongDescription from Product if not provided. |
Optional |
TaxChoice string |
Indicates the chosen tax rate for the LineItem. This field must be one of the follows if provided : 34300 or “BasExcluded” 34600 or “GstFreeExports” 34700 or “GstFreeIncome” 35200 or “GstOnIncome” |
Optional |
ClaimType string |
Claim type that indicates what LineItem claims for. This field must be one of the follows if provided: 1 or “Cancellation” 2 or “NdiaRequiredReport” 3 or “ProviderTravel” 4 or “NonFaceToFaceServices” 5 or “DirectService” 6 or “IrregularSilSupports” 7 or “Telehealth” |
Optional |
CancellationReason string |
Cancel reason of the service/product of the LineItem. This field must be one of the follows if provided: 1 or “HealthReason” 2 or “FamilyIssues” 3 or “UnavailabilityOfTransport” 4 or “Other” |
Optional |
PriceBook object |
Price book that the product belongs to. To view the price book details, refer to PriceBook endpoint. |
Required |
Product object |
Product/service of the LineItem. To view the product details, refer to PriceBook endpoint. |
Required |
Example request body:
"value": [
"ClaimNumber": "CORP-10001",
"ProviderInvoiceReference": "INV-20001",
"StartDate": "2021-05-05",
"EndDate": "2021-05-06",
"DueDate": "2021-05-31",
"SendPaymentTo": "Provider",
"ContactGuid": "66283ed7-1d2f-e911-810e-f36ca09d16f6",
"StaffGuid": "1497e30c-6122-eb11-a824-000d3acb64f7",
"ProviderGuid": "9ef14280-6442-ea11-811d-b21a1b4963a6",
"ProviderInvoiceGuid": "a59fed52-6f66-eb11-a827-000d3aca5506",
"LineItems": [
"Quantity": 1.00,
"Price": 100.00,
"Notes": "Provision of support to enable a participant to engage in community, social and/or recreational activities. Provided on 05/05/2021",
"IsCreditItem": false,
"TaxChoice": 34700,
"ClaimType": null,
"CancellationReason": null,
"PriceBook": {
"PriceBookGuid": "d34a7fe0-1546-4126-9c4c-b296403536ce"
"Product": {
"ProductGuid": "01292657-4f56-473b-8451-e0bcbd7255ef"