A Client is an organisation or company that is a customer of the Subscriber. To call the client endpoint, use one of the URLs from the following table:
https://api.mypcorp.com/client |
✔ |
✔ |
https://api.mypcorp.com/client/{ClientGuid} |
✔ |
NB: Currently, the MYP API accepts GET and POST requests. PUT requests will be available in the future.
The following table illustrates which fields can be included when receiving a GET response.
NB: Nested properties are hidden by default. To expand all nested properties, add a query parameter $expand=* to the URL.
Field |
Description |
ClientGuid Guid (Identifier) |
Client’s id. |
BusinessName string |
The name of the organisation that the Client belongs to, if applicable. |
BusinessNumber string |
The Australian Business Number (ABN) of this Client. |
UniqueCode string |
Client’s unique code. |
IsSelf boolean |
This indicates if this client is the subscriber themselves or the other clients they have in ARM. |
ExternalReference string |
An external reference for this Client (e.g. an id in a third-party application). |
BusinessPhone string |
The phone of the organisation that the Client belongs to, if applicable. |
BusinessPhone2 string |
The secondary phone of the organisation that the Client belongs to, if applicable. |
BusinessFax string |
Client’s fax number. |
WebAddress string |
The URL for the Client’s personal website, if applicable. |
Address object |
Client’s address. |
PostalAddress object |
Client’s postal address, if the postal address is different to their primary address. |
CreationDate datetime |
The date the Client’s record was created. |
ModifyDate datetime |
The date when the Client’s record was last modified. |
ArchiveDate datetime |
Date when the Client was archived, if they have been archived. |
CustomFields object |
Custom field(s) of a Client. This field is accessible only when the endpoint is called with Client’s id. |
KeyContact object |
Indicates the Key Contact associated with this Client. |
Field |
Description |
StreetAddress string |
Client’s street address. |
StreetAddress2 string |
Second field for the Client’s street address. |
Suburb string |
Client’s suburb. |
City string |
Client’s Town or City. |
State string |
Client’s State. |
Country string |
Client’s country of residence. |
PostCode string |
Client’s post code for their primary address. |
Postal Address
Field |
Description |
PostalAddress string |
Client’s postal address, if it is different to their primary address. |
PostalAddress2 string |
Second field for Client’s postal address, if it is different to their primary address. |
PostalSuburb string |
Suburb for the Client’s postal address, if the postal address is different to their primary address. |
PostalCity string |
Town or City for the Client’s postal address, if the postal address is different to their primary address. |
PostalState string |
Client’s postal State, if the postal address is different to their primary address. |
PostalPostCode string |
Post code for Client’s postal address, if the postal address is different to their primary address. |
Example JSON response format:
"@odata.context": "https://api.mypcorp.com/contact/$metadata#Client(KeyContact())",
"value": [
"ClientGuid": "6E7ED550-D5A6-4ED5-B91B-C3856A124699",
"BusinessName": "Wayne Enterprises Industries",
"BusinessNumber": "12345",
"UniqueCode": "Gotham123",
"IsSelf": true,
"ExternalReference": "0987654321",
"BusinessPhone": "8123 4567",
"BusinessPhone2": "8890 1234",
"BusinessFax": "8765 4321",
"WebAddress": "www.waynecorp.org",
"CreationDate": "2021-08-17T20:14:36.69+10:00",
"ModifyDate": "2022-10-21T09:56:33.363+10:00",
"ArchiveDate": null,
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "Unit 1234",
"StreetAddress2": "360 Sinclair Street",
"Suburb": "NOBLE PARK",
"City": "Gotham City",
"State": "QLD",
"Country": "Australia",
"PostCode": "hello world"
"PostalAddress": {
"PostalAddress": "PO Box 4321",
"PostalAddress2": "PO Box 6543",
"PostalSuburb": "Postal Gotham",
"PostalCity": "Postal Gotham City",
"PostalState": "NSW",
"PostalPostCode": "Postal 5432"
"CustomFields": [
"CustomFieldGuid": "01faafe0-980f-40b1-a284-727677faefe5",
"Name": "Services provided",
"Responses": [
"Response": "Support coordinator"
"KeyContact": {
"ContactGuid": "03f27516-04b2-eb11-b82b-08626626e1a4",
"FirstName": "Bruce",
"LastName": "Wayne",
"ArchiveDate": null
New Clients can be added by using a POST request. An example of POST URL is:
POST https://api.mypcorp.com/client
The following table illustrates which fields can be included when sending a POST request. A number next to the data type (e.g. string (500)), is the maximum number of characters for this field. All required fields must be included in the request body to get a successful response. Dates must be set in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.nnn].
Field |
Description |
Required |
BusinessName string (255) |
The name of the organisation that the Client belongs to, if applicable. Must be unique. |
Required |
BusinessNumber string (90) |
The Australian Business Number (ABN) of this Client. |
Optional |
UniqueCode string (90) |
Client’s unique code. Must be unique. |
Optional |
ExternalReference string (90) |
An external reference for this Client (e.g. an id in a third-party application). |
Optional |
BusinessPhone string (90) |
The phone of the organisation that the Client belongs to, if applicable. |
Optional |
BusinessPhone2 string (90) |
The secondary phone of the organisation that the Client belongs to, if applicable. |
Optional |
BusinessFax string (90) |
Client’s fax number. |
Optional |
WebAddress string (90) |
The URL for the Client’s personal website, if applicable. |
Optional |
Address object |
Client’s address. |
Optional |
PostalAddress object |
Client’s postal address, if the postal address is different to their primary address. If postal address is null, the primary address will be used for post. |
Optional |
KeyContact object |
Indicates the Key Contact associated with this Client. |
Optional |
Field |
Description |
Required |
StreetAddress string (90) |
Client’s street address. |
Optional |
StreetAddress2 string (90) |
Second field for the Client’s street address. |
Optional |
Suburb string (90) |
Client’s suburb. |
Optional |
City string (90) |
Client’s town or city. |
Optional |
State string |
Client’s state abbreviation. E.g. ‘QLD’. |
Optional |
Country string |
Client’s country name. E.g. ‘Australia’. Required if State or PostalState is not null. |
Required. (Conditional) |
PostCode string (90) |
Client’s post code for their primary address. |
Optional |
Postal Address
Field |
Description |
Required |
PostalAddress string (90) |
Client’s postal address, if it is different to their primary address. |
Optional |
PostalAddress2 string (90) |
Second field for Client’s postal address, if it is different to their primary address. |
Optional |
PostalSuburb string (90) |
Suburb for the Client’s postal address, if the postal address is different to their primary address. |
Optional |
PostalCity string (90) |
Town or City for the Client’s postal address, if the postal address is different to their primary address. |
Optional |
PostalState string |
Postal state abbreviation, if the postal address is different to their primary address. E.g. ‘NSW’. |
Optional |
PostalPostCode string (90) |
Post code for Client’s postal address, if the postal address is different to their primary address. |
Optional |
Example JSON request format:
"value": [
"BusinessName": "Wayne Enterprises Industries",
"BusinessNumber": "12345",
"UniqueCode": "Gotham123",
"ExternalReference": "0987654321",
"BusinessPhone": "8123 4567",
"BusinessPhone2": "8890 1234",
"BusinessFax": "8765 4321",
"WebAddress": "www.waynecorp.org",
"Address": {
"StreetAddress": "Unit 1234",
"StreetAddress2": "360 Sinclair Street",
"Suburb": "NOBLE PARK",
"City": "Gotham City",
"State": "QLD",
"Country": "Australia",
"PostCode": "hello world"
"PostalAddress": {
"PostalAddress": "PO Box 4321",
"PostalAddress2": "PO Box 6543",
"PostalSuburb": "Postal Gotham",
"PostalCity": "Postal Gotham City",
"PostalState": "NSW",
"PostalPostCode": "Postal 5432"
"KeyContact": {
"ContactGuid": "03f27516-04b2-eb11-b82b-08626626e1a4"